
The White Gryphon

[Chapter Two] p.47
Young gryphons went straight from the crawling stage into the full-tilt running stage, much like kittens, and like kittens they had three modes of operation−“play,” “starving,” and “sleep.”

[Chapter Eight] p.261
“You might as well talk because I’11 continue to make you feel guilty until you tell me what I want to know. I’m very good at it−as you very well know.”
Damn him. He is good at it. All he has to do is put on a certain expression−or drop the right word or two. He could have been my mother.

[Chapter Nine] p.313
“Skan should have a bodyguard, and he won’t listen to anyone but me. Granted, he doesn’t often listen to me either, but at least I have a better chance of getting through to him.

[Chapter Ten] p.347
He’d never actually seen anyone grind his teeth with rage before. It was something you could actually hear−and all this time he’d thought it was just a cliché.

[Chapter Eleven] p.392
“They’re going to make me vain,” Skan remarked, as yet another casket of jeweled collars and ear-tuft cuffs went into the packing crate.(...)
Amberdrake laughed, as he reclined on the only couch in this room. “No they won’t. You already are.”

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